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Retweet Hijacking – What Would You Do?

[UPDATE 5.6.09 8:32PM PDT: I just got off the phone with the President of the company that the retweet hijack webmaster worked for. The conversation went well and I appreciate now that the company is a global organization with a large staff and an excellent reputation. The situation unfortunately got out of hand. I have…

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Oprah On Facebook and Twitter: Bring On More Global Leaders

I’ve been eager for Oprah to join the Twitterverse for some time. As you can see by this fun comic strip I made back on September 24, 2008, my cartoon self was enthusiastically encouraging cartoon Oprah to join Facebook and Twitter!! Yesterday on the Oprah and Friends show, even with celeb guest Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk…

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Online Social Networking vs. In-Person Networking

Online social networking giants like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and YouTube allow us to expand our community exponentially… without ever leaving the comfort of our home offices. However, to heighten and accelerate your success, attending live events is equally important. You get to see and be seen. You’ll have meaningful conversations in person. You take…

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Twitter Autofollow and Auto DM Etiquette

Ah, to follow or not to follow – that is the question. But to AUTO follow or not to auto follow – that is a whole other question! And to AUTO DM?! Eek. I received this DM recently from a Twitter bud: “Please post me a link to something that answers the etiquette of the…

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10 Ways To Stay Safe On Facebook

With the latest trojans, phishers, hackers and imposters floating around cyberspace, especially on Facebook, it’s no wonder members have cause for concern. I’ve put the following suggestions together for you to help protect yourself from identity theft, hacking and the likes: 1. Monitor suspicious activity/links. Be vigilant in watching for suspicious activity in your News…

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Engaging With Facebook Social Ads

Whether you’ve purchased Facebook Social Ads or have in some way interacted with these ads, you may be underestimating the power of this Facebook feature. First, as an advertiser, you can select very targeted demographics for your ad campaign, much as you can with Google Adwords. Second, as a business owner utilizing Facebook to grow…

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