Hire Mari To Speak and/or Train for Your Company

Mari Smith is an internationally renowned, seasoned public speaker with deep expertise on social media marketing, and a particular focus on Facebook marketing. She has spoken to audiences from 25 to 25,000 around the world.
With her six feet stature, Scottish-Canadian-Californian accent, sense of humor, and unique style of simplifying the complex, Mari is frequently one of the TOP rated speakers at major conferences both online and offline.
Audience members receive many “aha’s” as well as practical strategies and tactics that they can implement right away. Mari is a “no fluff” type of speaker; she consistently delivers incredible value to her audiences and is always committed that everyone leaves with not only much more social media knowledge, but that everyone also feels better about him/herself, more empowered, more confident.
…the preeminent Facebook expert. Even Facebook asks for her help. @Forbes
Contact Mari with details of your event needs
Please fill out this form if you’d like to inquire about hiring Mari to speak at your next event:
Speaker Reel
YouTube speaking playlist
See this list of videos on YouTube comprising many of Mari’s speaking engagements.
By Cameron Conaway from Klipfolio on this post: Day 2 at Social Media Marketing World: Social media takes teamwork
From what I’ve watched in interviews and in her Facebook Live videos, Mari Smith has one of those electric personalities capable of engaging an audience on just about anything. Today, as I watched from the front row, I realized this personality is magnified tenfold when seeing her in person.
In addition to many other topics, Mari had the audience most engaged when she talked about what few people in the room knew existed—this ability on Facebook Live to be watching a video, click on something in the video, and make the purchase of the product (selecting your size, the color, etc.) all while still watching the video.
Mari stays at the forefront of the industry by, as the example above, knowing what’s happening now and what’s next, actually using it for her audience, and wrapping all of this into a kind of heart-based marketing. So while the wonky-sounding session title may have had some in attendance prepared for a purely deep-dive into analytics—I can’t imagine a better glimpse into both ROI and the basics of how to be engaging on Facebook.
By Tatiana Caciur on Promo Republic: Key Findings from SMMW17 part 1
Mari’s marketing theory is simple but important to grasp. It’s something we’ve talked about here too, but listen to how she puts it: she says there are numbers-based marketers, who only care about the numbers and graphs, and then there are heart-based marketers, who truly care about the people they are reaching. They deeply understand their needs and how their products and services can help to solve their problems.
You know that “traditional” marketing is the numbers based, BUT social media marketing is really the heart-relationship based type of marketing.
What you need to do to be really successful, is actually merge these 2 types of marketing. Because if you make people happy, then you’re going to make more money. Those positive emotional experiences from top quality customer service and experiencing your products are equaling more sales.
Example presentation – keynote at LeadPages’ CONVERTED in Minneapolis, MN
Example presentation – breakout at HubSpot’s INBOUND in Boston, MA
Watch this special message from Mari to find out:
- a simple 3-part formula for social media success!
- the two main areas that companies miss out in social media
- what types of businesses Mari specifically loves to work with and support
- Mari’s passion about public speaking, webinars and in-house corporate training
- the personal message that Mari especially loves to teach and evangelize to companies
Mari is gracious, kind and professional before, during and after each of her speaking engagements. She is not the type of speaker to rush in and out without taking time to truly connect with attendees. Mari frequently arrives early and stays for the duration of the event, to ensure that conference attendees have as much access to her as possible. When appropriate for public events, she also typically schedules tweets to coincide with her talking points and include your event hashtag. This is a terrific way to create more visibility for your company and event.
Mari is truly passionate about making a difference on the planet through sharing her breadth and depth of online marketing, social media marketing and business building skills.
Contact Mari with details of your needs
Please review the information on this page, then complete this form if you’d like to hire Mari to speak at your next event.
- Sample Talks
- Mari’s Bio
- Sample Interview Questions (for radio, TV, teleseminars)
- Headshots
- Rave Reviews
See below for an outline of the various types of speaking and training that Mari is most experienced with and passionate about. Her calendar gets booked up fast. Mari’s speaking fees range from $20,000 to $85,000, depending on complexity, duration, location and proximity of the engagement.
Example Facebook Marketing keynote: Platinum Presenters Beach Body, Dallas, TX
Example webinar: 7 Steps to Facebook Success – Free Facebook Training with Mari Smith
Mari is the author of The New Relationship Marketing and co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day as well as a contributing author to several other titles.
Though her knowledge, expertise and experience covers most all of social media marketing, she is most known for her Facebook passion and is often asked to speak exclusively on Facebook Marketing. She also speaks on optimizing both Facebook and Twitter as well as how to integrate social media marketing into traditional marketing, best practices, social media policies, social media management systems, relationship marketing, personal branding, and more.
For Mari’s calendar of upcoming events as well as past events, please visit this page.
If you’re interested in having Mari speak at your next event, please fill out this form that covers the following key pieces of information:
- Type of speaking engagement: paid keynote, breakout session, panel, multiple speakers with offers, paid training, other
- Speaker fee/budget
- Theme & title of event
- Date & location of event
- Audience demographics & size
- List of other speakers
- Indication of past results
Sample Talks
- 60-90 minute keynote
- 60-120 breakout session
- Half-day training
- Full-day Social Media Immersion Day
- 2-3 day on-site Social Media Training
Sample Titles:
- 7 Step Formula for Profitable Facebook Marketing
- How To Design A Powerful Social Media Strategy Using The Right Tools For Your Business
- Five Keys To Developing A Raving Fanbase
- How To Build A Large, Loyal, Profitable Network Using The Social Web
- Facebook News Feed Optimization: How to Dramatically Increase Your Visibility and Engagement
- How to Create a Stampede of Local Customers Via Your Facebook Page, Places and Deals
- From Fans to Superfans: How To Turbo-Boost Your Facebook Engagement
- Facebook Success: How To Strategically Grow Your Business
Sample Description:
Facebook has significant implications for business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs. This highly successful online social networking platform currently boasts over 1.7 billion active members. Over half of all active members log in daily for an average session time of 55 minutes – that’s a huge captive audience!
Twitter is also a wildly popular social network with hundreds of millions of members. Yet, even with its 140-character simplicity, Twitter can be infinitely more complex than Facebook to understand how to use effectively. There’s a right way and a wrong way and you need to know the difference.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn are extremely powerful marketing mediums you can use to exponentially grow your business.
During this information-rich session, Mari will share proven strategies for generating significant online profits using social media, including [NOTE – these are *sample* benefits, not all would be included in a one-hour talk, for example]:
- How to design a powerful social media strategy using the right tools for your business.
- The most effective ways to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.
- Simple strategies to powerfully leverage your visibility and brand.
- How to drive a flood of traffic to your website and blog.
- Proven ways for getting rapid high search engine ranking.
- Proven ways to identify and attract your top paying clients.
- How to build a team of lucrative Joint Venture partnerships.
- How to use Facebook in just five minutes a day and still yield huge, measurable results.
- How to build a targeted, responsive following on Twitter.
- The do’s and dont’s of “tweeting.”
- Secrets to leveraging, automating and delegating to get maximum results from your social networking.
Ideal audience:
Mari has extensive expertise in speaking to business owners, entrepreneurs, independent professionals, coaches, speakers, authors, trainers and network marketers. She also loves to lead in-house customized immersion days for small to medium-sized companies.
Audience size:
Mari is comfortable speaking in front of audiences as few as five and as many as 25,000, or more!
Mari’s Bio
Mari Smith is a renowned Social Media Thought Leader and one of the world’s foremost experts on Facebook marketing. She is author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, both published by Wiley.
Facebook hired Mari to keynote, teach and provide 1:1 consultations with attendees at the Boost Your Business U.S. tour.
Fast Company describes Mari as, “A veritable engine of personal branding, a relationship marketing whiz and the Pied Piper of the Online World.” Forbes named Mari one of the Top Ten Social Media Power Influencers four years in a row. Dun & Bradstreet Credibility named Mari one of the most influential small business people on Twitter.
Through her consulting and training business, Mari helps businesses to accelerate their profits by integrating proven social media marketing strategies. She also travels the United States and internationally to share her wisdom and provide social media keynotes and in-depth training. Plus, Mari mentors up and coming social media professionals in a variety of specializations.
With her popular blog and her large, loyal following on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ Mari is considered one of the top resources and thought leaders in the world of marketing. She regularly appears in media locally and nationally in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Forbes, Fortune, and Success Magazine.
Mari is Scottish-Canadian and resides in San Diego, California.
Sample Interview Questions – Facebook/Social Media
- Tell us about your journey to becoming such a strong leader in the world of social media, especially with such expertise on Facebook…
- How does Facebook differ from the likes of Twitter and LinkedIn… and is it still important for businesses to be on social networks other than Facebook?
- Do you think businesses today are missing out if they’re not on Facebook?
- What’s the difference between a Facebook Group and Facebook Fan Page?
- With all the competing demands for consumers’ attention, how can a business ensure their Facebook Fan Page is compelling and engaging?
- What’s important to track, monitor and measure on a Facebook Fan Page?
- It is worth it to buy Facebook ads?
- Does it work better to advertise an outside website or your Facebook Fan Page or Event, say, with Facebook ads?
- Privacy is a major issue on Facebook – how can users ensure their information is protected?
- Facebook is so complex and changes constantly; how can businesses ensure they’re really optimizing all that Facebook offers?
- What are some pitfalls to avoid when using Facebook for marketing?
- How can best businesses integrate Twitter into their marketing?
- What are the most effective types of content to tweet about?
- Is there a right way and a wrong way to use Twitter for business?
- I know you’re really passionate about inspiring others to make a positive impact on the world – say more about your concept of “Conscious Social Media”…
Sample Interview Questions – The New Relationship Marketing
1. Tell us about your journey to becoming such a strong leader in the world of social media…
2. What’s your definition of relationship marketing, and what is new about this type of marketing?
3. You talk about certain soft skills as “the new business skills everyone needs” – what are some of these skills we need to develop as marketers and why?
4. What are some of the most common fears that prevent individuals and businesses from fully embracing social technologies?
5. How do you suggest people make the most of social media, without it becoming all-consuming?
6. In your book, you dedicated an entire chapter to the importance of surrounding yourself with the right support team and staff – say more about how this impacts relationship marketing…
7. On the subject of the right people, you describe “the five contact circles” in your book (intimates, friends, key contacts, acquaintances and community at large). Which of these groups is the most critical for relationship marketing and how do we expand that group?
8. In terms of building a loyal network, just how important is it to build loyalty? And what are some ways to do so?
9. How can someone become a center of influence in his or her network?
10. So much advice out there focuses on using online social networking in your marketing plans; but in your book you really emphasize the importance of blending online with offline – can you share some tips to do this effectively?
11. What are some of the biggest mistakes businesses make today regards social technologies online and offline?
12. Do you have any tips on how businesses can best handle negative comments, trolls, and spammers?
13. Do you think businesses today are missing out if they’re not nurturing relationships on all the major social platforms, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and now Google+?
14. With all the competing demands for consumers’ attention, how can business owners ensure they stand out?
15. Let’s talk about building a profitable network – what are some tips you can share about how businesses can turn all this networking into an increase in the bottom line?
16. I know you’re really passionate about inspiring others to make a positive impact on the world – say more about your concept of “Conscious Social Media”…
17. What is the future of relationship marketing as technology continues to rapidly evolve?
18. If you were to “press the reset button” and start all over again, what would you do differently?
19. Who should read your new book and how will they benefit?
20. How can people find out more about your book?
Praise quotes
“You were excellent as usual. Love the way you cover the basics so well but always weave in some power moves for the experienced.”
~Dave Carpenter
“This was a phenomenal class. Ideal for anyone who wants to find out how to get going on Facebook.”
~Jim Turner
“I absolutely ADORE your work. I find that you are so inspirational to entrepreneurs and women in particular! You are a true marketing professional .”
~Jessica Swanson
“Thank you for such an informative and fun session at Ali’s OSBW. Your passion is inspiring! I can’t wait to put all your great Facebook tips into practice!!”
~Annemarie Segaric Garcia
“I just wanted to thank you for the info at the Social Media Show. I am tripling my Facebook conversion with just one of your shared tactics!”
~Chris Lang
“Loved your Facebook class. It was the most informative class I have ever been on and it helped me feel so much more comfortable using Facebook.”
~Kathleen Hoagland
“Just so you know, you are one of my heros here [on Twitter]. You have been so kind and helpful. I am such a newbie and you are always there to give and share.”
~Jill Freeman
“I found you by way of the interview you did with Patsi and Denise. Excellent information. One of the best interviews I have heard in a long time.”
~Kathleen Gage
Contact Mari Smith’s team today for your social media training, workshop, seminar, immersion day or multi-speaker event! Rate sheet available upon request.
English and Romanian translation
please hellp me 🙁
I also have a facebook account
safety since he entered the recognition of those pictures I could not get him, I asked for password recovery but did not help because it gives me those photos to recognize them and I can not recognize them because everyone gave me access asked and do not know those people
How do to get back on their back?
whom I address? what to do to be able jump over those photos from the beginning?
buna ziua
am si eu un cont facebook
de cand sa introdus ca siguranta recunoasterea acelor fotografii nu am mai putut intra pe el,am cerut recuperare parola dar nu ajuta cu nimic pentru ca imi da acele fotografii sa le recunosc si eu nu ii pot recunoaste,deoarece am dat acces oricui mi-a cerut si nu cunosc acele persoane
cum fac sa reintru din nou pe cont?
cui sa ma adresez ? ce trebuie facut sa pot sari peste acele fotografii de la inceput?
please i beg u, i love Facebook but it keeps on posting nagging pictures on my Facebook account and some funny freelotto pictures which even don’t allow me to read my facebook. please help me stop freelotto.