Mari's Blog
How Do I Make Money On Facebook? – Is The Wrong Question
This is the question I get asked most often: How do I make money on Facebook. I can tell a lot right away about someone who asks me that question. Usually it tells me (a) they don’t have much online business experience, (b) they’re not a natural people person and (c) they don’t understand social…
Read MoreSocial Media: Modern Day Gold Rush?
I just got back from several days in historical Skagway, Alaska – gateway to the Klondike Goldfields. I’m fascinated by the visceral history hubby and I are soaking up as we journey the country in our motorhome. Travel definitely broadens the mind… and got me thinking about the amazing correlation between the crazy gold fever…
Read MoreHow To Increase Interaction With Your Facebook and Twitter Network
I received this question from a gal in my network we’ll call Sonia who’s wondering how she can increase the interaction and response from her Twitter followers: “I really appreciate your down-to-earth personality. It’s no wonder you have so many followers and have become so successful… now to emulate you 🙂 “…Back to my twitter…
Read MoreSocial Media Marketing: Battle Of The Sexes?
I’ve noticed quite a stir in cyberspace recently. Whether it’s traditional internet marketers vs. web 2.0 marketers, heart-based vs. numbers-based marketers, or male marketers vs. female marketers – some folks seem polarized in their discussions… and thinking. I don’t really care for rivalrous behaviors. Men and women are different. Period. Both genders are a vital…
Read MoreMy Facebook Features Wish List
Everyday I use Facebook and everyday I find myself wanting just a few refinements to the current features. Nothing major (well, except the broken email system!), just certain things that would make my user experience more powerful, positive and productive. Here’s my wish list of Facebook features, (1) Radically improved email. C’mon Facebook – don’t…
Read MoreWhat To Do With Constant Facebook App Invites
Many people who join Facebook for business and professional reasons often seem completely stumped by the overwhelming number of invitations to install applications. And, the more friends you have the greater the number of invites you’ll receive. From what I’ve seen, new Facebook folks respond to constant app requests in one of these three ways:…
Read MoreTen Steps to Leverage Your Blog Posts With Facebook Notes
If you’re an active blogger (and I recommend online marketers for sure have a blog), here’s a ten-step process to create valuable exposure, build rapport, nurture relationships and advance your credibility: Make sure you’re importing your primary blog using the Facebook Notes app. Check that you’re already friends with certain prominent people in your industry.…
Read MoreNot All Internet Marketers Are Created Equal
People do business with people they know, like and trust. Period. When it comes to internet marketing, your decision to buy depends on whether you resonate with the marketer’s style… or not. This goes for both the online and offline world, e.g. whether you’re reading a web sales letter/email or you’re attending a live seminar.…
Read MoreAnnoying Facebook Friends? Give ’em the FaceBOOT!
How do you feel about Facebook members on a mission to amass the max number of ‘friends’ in record time… for no apparent reason? Certain Facebook peeps have been getting right up my nose with this approach lately. I mean, if your name is John Reese, fair enough! John has a record of getting to…
Read MoreIt’s Called FACEBook for a Reason! 🙂
A picture says a thousand words, would you agree? When you receive incoming Facebook friend requests, I’ll bet the person’s profile picture has a LOT of bearing on your decision to accept their invite or not. See, one of the great aspects of Facebook is the fact we have the opportunity for our face to…
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There’s a reason Mari earned the moniker, ‘The Queen of Facebook!’ Make sure you stay on the cutting edge of what’s working and what’s not when it comes to the Facebook family of apps, including Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp.
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