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  1. Jazzy Don on June 25, 2011 at 8:42 pm

    hi   i am really getting fustrated as facebook will not let me add people …….. can u tell me how to make this not happen or any sugestions thank you hope to here sooon from you mari

  2. Morpheus on June 25, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    I’m trying to change my username, however there is no “username” section in the settings tab, as the help centre suggests. Am I the only one with this problem? If not how can it be solved?

  3. Straightlacedx on June 24, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    Who do you contact for a facebook name change when married. I went to my account settings and changed it there and it said it had to be verified to wait 24 hours. Four days later I tried again. Nothing. And I can’t find who to email.

    • reiserl on July 8, 2011 at 9:05 pm

      I’m having the same problem. I’ve put in requests every 24 hours for the last 4 days,and nothing. If I find out what to do, i’ll let you know

  4. Joe Dively on June 24, 2011 at 3:31 pm

    I purchased facebook credits to buy better equipment for one of the games I play. I spend about 100 bucks or so in the last 2 months. Now the game has been taken down and I cannot find an email address, form, or phone number to initiate a refund. Can someone please help? 

  5. raluca on June 23, 2011 at 12:45 pm

    Hello, I want to talk to someone from the administration team because there is a person who is threatining me that he will post some pictures that are kind of indecent. I want to anticipate and to remove those pictures so any of my friends or someone on the facebook social network users can see them. Please help me. I don’t want that pictures posted!

  6. Keri on June 22, 2011 at 1:47 pm

    How can I get my “most recent” button back?

  7. Smokie_an_lilboo on June 21, 2011 at 10:12 pm

    someone used my credit card to buy facebook credits? And i dont know who. who do we call about that?

    • Jo on July 1, 2011 at 7:58 am

      Someone has been using my bank account information as well, that facebook saves in order for me to be able to buy “game dollars”…and now I have almost 3 thousand dollars  in charges,  to my checking account, using that info.!! I cannot find any way at all to get a hold of FB or FB security, to report this, and have the ppl involved discovered, arrested, and my checking account reimbursed!! I have tried and tried, for 3 months now, to find a way to get a hold of anyone!! I have found a few email addresses to write to and have written many emails in hopes to get this issue resolved, but no answers to any of them. I have also tried “Zynga’s” email addresses as well, and still no help!! I hope that you are able to get help for yourself, and also that I can get help for myself, as well. I am ready to get the law involved, as this is just about to break me financially!!!
      P.S. I just looked at my bank account online, and they have now charged 1,000.00 dollars from my bank account, via facebook, in just ONE DAY!! However, there was “finally”, for the first time, a phone number at the end of where it says “facebook.com” (as being the ones to have charged the account), and I called this number, just to have a recording say that this is “customer service” and then then say, after I hit the key for an issue like this, that they cannot, at this time, take any complaints about this type of thing, and to email them!! However, this does no good what so ever!! If anyone has any information that can help, please leave a comment..Thanks! 😉

  8. Cookie Monster on June 21, 2011 at 5:42 pm

    How do I get defamatory posts removed from facebook?

  9. Yourwilliam1 on June 21, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    I am getting a notice two or three times per week, asking for my phone number so Facebook can text me or call me.  This is supposedly for account security – but I refuse to give my phone number to anyone that I do not personally know, or anyone I feel does not truly need my phone number.  I feel that Facebook falls under BOTH of those categories.  My fear is that eventually I will be given an ultimatum whereas I either give them my phone number – OR – they never let me get access to my account again.  How do I contact Facebook to get them to understand this?

    • Jo on July 1, 2011 at 8:26 am

      Don’t make the mistake, that I “think” I just made a few days ago. I had “facebook security” (supposedly) send me a message me in my facebook account, that I was being temporarily “shut down” for posting harrasing comments, and/or a few other things, and it had the “facebook” logo on it with security above it. I had, and never have, insulted, used bad language, or “bothered” minors, or anything of that sort. I have always just commented on posts left by family members, and minded my “own business” and basically just play my games. However, I had been having problems with things being “stolen” off of my farms in a game I play, and have had over 3 thousand dollars in just 3 months or so, taken from my checking account, by someone who has hacked my facebook account, and is using my debit card information, that facebook insists on storing, in order to purchase game “dollars” and ect…!! I replied to that message, telling them of my problem, and no response, so I looked at the messg. again and noticed that there was a “link” for them, so I went clicked on it and it routed me to this “authentic” looking facebook “security” page. They asked for personal information, such as the first 4 numbers of my debit card (only the last 4 are actually visible when u go to purchase those game dollars). So, I figured…what could they do with it, if they didn’t have all the numbers inbetween those two sets, so I put it down. Then they asked for email address…again, I put it down…THEN I DID THE “UNTHINKABLE” and gave them my email password!! At 56, you would think that I would “know better”, but I am a trusting soul… :-/ and I didn’t think anything of it. I just figured they wanted to look and see if I HAD INDEED wrote them and “Zynga” all the emails that I said I had, when I replied to there “messg”. Well..now after doing that…I looked for some of the emails, in my “sent” folder, so I could try and find email addys, to email them all AGAIN, and see if I got an answer this time…only to find that ALL of my emails to these places, HAD ALL BEEN “REMOVED” FROM MY EMAIL FOLDER!!!! So, don’t trust anyone!!! I was very ignorant to have done so, myself!! And now may have to suffer the consequenses!! I immediately changed my email password, but then couldn’t get into my email box again, so I had to start up a new email!! Loosing years worth of emails that I wanted to keep from family members!! And business associates!! Good Luck in contacting facebook…and keep being up the “smart” thinking.

  10. Dale Snyder on June 21, 2011 at 2:28 am

     Your Face Book system here seems to have a quirk in it. I came home from work today, logged on to my face book only to find that when I go to post onto nitro planes wall or comment on a picture I am blocked. I can’t for the life of me understand what I supposeately did to have gotten blocked. I haven’t posted alot of messages at any one time. Nor have I posted any more then 2 pictures to Nitro Planes wall.
     The only thing i have done and that is on your part is I answered questions that I was asked in one of the apps on Face Book. If i am penalized for that then you need to either get rid of that application, or don’t let that application be able to ask someone more then  say a half dozen questions at any one time.
     If this is how i am going to be treated by your Face Book then I’ll delete my profile because basically i don’t need it. I got along without using face book before and i can get along without using it in the future as well.

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