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  1. Juneissunny on May 19, 2011 at 9:20 pm

    Someone has used my email to register I accidentaly clicked the confirm account on the message that was sent to my email, I also tried to login to delete the account but was greated with a message saying that the account was believed to be  fake or something to that effect so i cant go into account settings to delete the account and cant click the link in my email that says I did not register does not work how can my email be deleted from this account I dont know what to do HELP!!!

  2. Mblr on May 18, 2011 at 11:16 pm

    Thank you for all your work here Marni.  May you receive in kind many fold.

    I do not see a form here to help me with my issue.  For some reason, I cannot add friends at all.  I only have 194 and FB will not allow me to send friend requests.
    The only thing I can think of is that, like many others, I attempted, in my naivete to make a 2nd profile page using my same name, but adding my middle name.  I wanted a page separate from my family etc page.  I did nothing with that page and was told by a friend that FB does not allow more than one profile page (others must have done their 2nd one in a way that was less recognizable, I guess).  Anyway, I finally figured out how to delete the 2nd profile page about a month ago.  Still, I cannot add friends.  None of these forms seems appropriate.
    Help!  I’m about ready to just quit using FB altogether.  Any suggestions?  Should I just start a fan page?

    Thank you again Marni,

  3. stefanos sklavenitis on May 17, 2011 at 10:37 pm

    hi Mari, i’m having trouble with one of my facebook ads campaign. although it’s active it doesn’t start to run and no billings are made for over a week now. everything else seems to be ok…any ideas? thanks for your time…

  4. HowardlArryd on May 17, 2011 at 1:58 am

    my account keeps getting hacked into from dagsboro, de and i am in iowa please don’t let this happen as it has happened 3 time from same location.

  5. Stace5667 on May 16, 2011 at 6:15 pm

    I am not sure who to contact so someone please help.  I need to deactivate my step sons account he is 15 years old as he is away for at least 6 months.  His girlfriend (whom we do not like nor want her to have access to) who is 14 has changed his password and we can not get into his fb and she is posting all the is stuff and we his family do not like this.  Please help me in finding someone to help me deactivate this account. 

  6. Kcfrisch67 on May 14, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    I attempted to change my password and got frustrated,pushed too many buttons and they blocked me, it says only temporary, I hope it also states that if I abuse this privilege too much theyll block me permanently, all I wanted to do was change my password and got a little key happy , now what ?

  7. Oneliph on May 14, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    A person on my page was being abusive and vulgar.  Someone must have reported them but inadvertently reported me instead.  Each time I attempt to post or comment on my board I get the prompt that content has been flagged as vulgar or abusive.  The prompt offers a link to report this prompt if I feel I am receiving it in error.  I have done so, multiple times, but not have been contacted by Facebook.  Help!

    • Oneliph on May 14, 2011 at 8:31 pm

       Here is the actually prompt I receive when I attempt to post.  This message contains blocked content that has previously been flagged as abusive or spammy. Let us know if you think this is an error. I hope this helps you solve my problem.

  8. AKAPLAW on May 13, 2011 at 8:04 pm

    i need to change my name to the correct married name and they say i have reached the 3 name limit.  it also says in the help section that if you reached the limit you can have it changed by a representative. how do I do this!? HOW DO I CONTACT THEM!?  or how do i delete one of the names I already have!!!???

  9. Mindy on May 12, 2011 at 8:03 pm

    my facebook has been locked and it say to login in from the known computer and I have a million times in the past week. it was myself who tried to login on my phone cause i had forgotten that i put that setting on my page. And it still wont let me login. What do I need to do? Have I lost my page? please help me.

    • Jeff on May 14, 2011 at 7:11 pm

      I have also got the same issue here.I cannot log into my FB account from my Pc or Phone, as it says there are no Phone device listed on my Facebook.infact i do as i got the text code on my phone and wen i named my Pc as a recognised Device thats wen my problem began..Now every time i try and log in i get the message Mindy is says Log in with a recognised device, but how can i wen my pc should be listed as a recognised device but its not allowing it. I have sent a message to Mari with full description of my problem…PLS help Jeff

  10. Anonymous on May 11, 2011 at 9:24 pm

    PLEASE HOW do you get in touch with a real support representative for facebook? Someone used my email to register for their facebook account. I changed the password and deleted their account, then added that email address to my own account. But somehow they reactivated their account and I am STILL receiving their notifications in my email.

    There are no support forms for this issue. Even the “didn’t sign up for facebook? report abuse here” link in the verification emails don’t work. This is abuse and a breach of my privacy. I need my email address removed from this person’s facebook file but I can’t get in touch with a REAL PERSON. I tried submitted some bug reports, but it is hard to fill out all these forms when they don’t even remotely pertain to your issue.

    Do they ever actually provide support? I need to talk to an actual person!

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