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  1. Brentpotterma on April 6, 2011 at 6:56 pm

    For some reason FB did not recognize my password this morning, so I changed it. Now it does not regonize my new password. In the process of trying to log in, I apparently tripped whatever thing is there and now all I get is the error msg saying I have attempted to log in too many times and have to wait. How long do I have to wait? What can I do? Any help would be appreciated!!

  2. Cierra on April 6, 2011 at 3:43 am

    I logged into my account this morning, then I received an e-mail saying I’d requested a password change. Well, I hadn’t. So, I logged back in, looked for where I could report to them that I thought I’d received a phishing e-mail and wanted to know where to forward it to. Next thing I know, I’m locked out of my account. Can’t get in and keep getting messages that I have a wait awhile. I haven’t seen anything saying how long I must wait. This is absolutely ridiculous. You would think they would be willing to offer good customer service for the people using their site. At least make it easy to contact via e-mail for answers and not have to wait and dig on the internet for something that should be readily available. So, how long do I have to wait before I can attempt to log back into my FB page and reset my password??

    • Kate on April 6, 2011 at 6:44 pm

      Their customer service as absolutley rubbish. Read my post below. I am having a similar problem and am still waiting to get this resolved!

  3. Funkygal25 on April 5, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    why can i not make my business page into a page that people can friend request the business and not like us? I see other businesses and stores that you friend request. why can’t i do that.

  4. Kate on April 4, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    My facebook and hotmail account got hacked over a week ago by Zynga Poker. I have recently managed to regain access to my hotmail. For the past 4 days I have been trying to reset the password for my facebook. I keep on entering in the code sent to my hotmail to the facebook reset page but keep on receiving an error message to say ***’Password Reset Unavailable’ We’re sorry, password reset is temporary unavailable. Please try again later’**** . Its driving my crazy now as I’m not sure if this is a site problem or something to do with my account being hacked. I even waited the recommended 24 hours before trying again but I keep getting the same message. can anyone please help with this problem?

    • Kate on April 6, 2011 at 6:48 pm

      Ok, I tried reporting this problem as a bug and as requested by Facebook I emailed them a screen dump of the error message I get everytime I try to reset my password. “Password reset unavailable”. They have now emailed me asking me to send them a colour copy of my government ID Card to prove my identity. I am really hot happy about doing this as to be honest I am worried the email may not be legit and with all the experience of my account being hacked I am really dubious. I offered to confirm anything needed on the account but they are still insititing on me sending them ID. Has anyone else experienced this? To me is seems very dodgy as I cant even phone them to verify it is legit. You should never email such personal info from my experience due to the amount of fraudulent emails there are out there. can anyone advise on this?

  5. PCC on April 4, 2011 at 6:01 am

    i got banned from commenting on own store page!!! i commented on too many of my photos and too fast lol? are u kiddn me!! they said i was performing and annoying behavior and could no longer post on my own darn store page. what a joke! and then i have to google this awesome page so i can finally fill out a form to tell them they are idiots!! thank you for this page 🙂

    • PCC on April 4, 2011 at 6:11 am

      and now the correct form i filled out they say is incorrect….way to go facebook, real impressive

  6. Abc on April 4, 2011 at 12:08 am

    FaceBook Sucks. My account got hacked and you can not get help from facebook. Why are they the only internet company that does not offer tech help on line by having customer service available?

  7. Carolsperry0 on April 2, 2011 at 5:54 am

    I have been trying to access my FB account from my mobil line for several hours and it will not give me access. It says that the content is Temp. unavailable. I had a friend check my page and she said it is not loading like the others and that she cant really make anything out. I have some very important messages that I need to get to. I have no idea what is going on.

  8. audrey on March 31, 2011 at 9:15 pm

    I can’t get onto my FB page. All it says is your account is temporailly unavailable try back in a few minutes…..well, it’s been all day

  9. Stacib on March 31, 2011 at 6:43 pm

    IS there anyone that can help me? Someone hacked my account and I have apparently tried to reset the password to many times, but I haven’t reset it at all, and I can’t get anywhere with Facebook. There is no help and all the e-mails for them come back with links to there useless HELP page. I have 2 businesses linked to my personal page and I can only imagine what they are doing or saying to my customers.

  10. Katherine on March 30, 2011 at 7:07 pm

    You have lots of great info here Mari and I think I am going to dig a little deeper on some things just for my own knowledge. I have a question that I am having a hard time answering though. A friend of mine had a group that she was in the process of shutting down. By accident, she deleted herself first (bad option that FB allows an admin to delete themselves, but her oops for not stopping before it was too late). Now she cannot delete the group, as there is no admin. Any suggestions of what she can do?

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