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  1. Lee on February 20, 2011 at 1:39 pm

    I wanted to contact facebook about the issue I was having below:

    I create a facebook username.I did not know it would automatically be displayed on my profile page permanently, and that I would not have the option of not displaying it.
    Is there a way of having control over displaying my user name on my profile? I don’t want it displayed. If it could not be, not displayed, how could I then just delete it?

    How would I go about/what form would I use to contact facebook about this issue?

    Or if there is anyone that figured out how to not display or delete their fb username, I would love to hear how you did it. Thank you.

  2. Junior on February 19, 2011 at 8:04 pm

    someone hacked my fb account and posted VERY inappropriate photos and comments as if they were me. They even replied to a private message with my phone number and email (the phone # wasn’t listed), so they know me. The minute I found out I changed everything and deleted comments they put on others pages. FB has deactivated my account, I wrote them through the help page and explained. How long till they respond and can I get the ip address of whoever was logged on to my account? It’s been 2 days.

  3. Paez William on February 19, 2011 at 7:02 pm

    someone hacked my account now i am facing charges what can i do?

  4. Joyce woon on February 19, 2011 at 4:46 pm

    My account has been hacked on 15 FEB, and i cant login to my hotmail too! So, i cant reset my password! I reported it to FACEBOOK team, but they never reply, i waiting 5 days already! I’m so worry and sad, i’m the real owner, iwillng to accep account recovery throughs friend, but the problem is they r not reply me! So, how they help me!! Anyone know, how long they processing Account Recovery Process, and how long they verify our identidy? I feel HELPLESS now, I really need help, and want to access to my original account…… PLS HELP ME!

    • Cruz on February 28, 2011 at 4:36 am

      ve the same problem but i wasnt hacked i just forgot my password and now my hotmail dosent wanna let me log in

  5. DotC on February 16, 2011 at 9:22 pm

    This sounds like a browser/keychain issue. If, the first time you made your pw, you told your browser to remember that pw, then you just need to sign into fb with your new pw and when your browser asks if you want to change, click change. It should remember your new password now.

  6. Andrea on February 15, 2011 at 1:03 am

    My account in facebook has been hacked, and changed the password and I can not login in the acoount, i see that not only changed the password but also add an email address that I do not use. At my request, the account is blocked. But I want to return my old account.
    Can someone help me to unlock my account and somehow to send me a new password ?

    • DotC on February 16, 2011 at 9:25 pm

      I am having this problem too. It is what brought me to this web site for answers. I guess they just don’t want to give my facebook page back to me until they are done investigating the phisher.

      • Andrea on February 16, 2011 at 9:56 pm

        You have blocked account too? and you write them to unblock your account? How many days have passed you contacted them? Hope?

  7. Tim on February 14, 2011 at 6:01 pm

    my wife’s account has been “phished” …. this was reported, and her account was “frozen” for 24 hrs. She then went to go back on, and now has nothing, other than the same form to fill out asking for help, which facebook does not reply to. her name has been removed from my friends list, and her name also has been removed from my pictures. when i go on to try to report this, they ask for her URL …, duh, she has been removed, so her name and/or URL do not show up… any help here ?? why can’t facebook have a live on-line help?? or a phone number. my wife has been without her facebook for 2 days and is getting very frustrated. HELP! trj

  8. Madmommy7 on February 14, 2011 at 2:30 am

    My photo strip has disappeared from my profile page and when I click on my profile pics, it says the album is empty. Also it is saying there are 43 pics and there are only 41. It was there yesterday and I can see them on my I phone. What happened?

  9. BrrGrrDelux on February 12, 2011 at 9:06 pm

    How can I properly display my initials with both letters capitalized on Facebook? (The name change feature on the Help site is no help.)

    My first name has been J.P. since I was in the cradle and everyone I know knows me by that name. It’s even on my checks. On Facebook, my name displays as J.p. ****, but I would like the P capitalized as well. It isn’t even necessary to have the periods, even “JP” with no space between letters would suffice as well.

    I have seen hundreds of other Facebook members with their initials capitalized, and have contacted many of them. In every single case they had corrected the issue when it was still possible to contact a Facebook representative, and the support links they used were no longer valid. Please, how can I make this happen?

  10. graciegirl on February 11, 2011 at 2:06 pm

    Mari, I need your help & expertise! Just yesterday, Facebook authorized me to claim my Place, which I was then permitted to merge with my Page. All done successfully. I also had an out-of-date other Page that I wanted to merge with new one, with it in mind that it says I can unmerge if not happy. So, I merged my two Pages together, but it only kept the old one! The new one, that I have worked countless hours setting up, is GONE. I instantly panicked and unmerged, but nothing happened. The newer Page isn’t back…all evidence of it is gone. Though when I type in the new Page name in the search at the top, it still shows up (as does the Place), however when you click on it, it just reroutes you to the newsfeed Wall. Is there a way to get my new Page back?!?! Is it gone forever, deleted? PLEASE HELP. Thanks!

    • graciegirl on February 11, 2011 at 8:52 pm

      Ugh, now the newer Page doesn’t even show in the search. FML!

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