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  1. Josephbudna on February 5, 2011 at 7:25 pm

    hi mari can you please assist me i cant get into my account and its disable can you please help me its all because i had sent alot of invitaions thanks alot

  2. cowboy on February 3, 2011 at 9:51 pm

    i need to phone facebook or send the a real email but nothing works what can i do or does any one have any input i am being harassed personally and against my business so i need help with this asap please respond

  3. guesttt on February 3, 2011 at 4:32 am

    My share button is gone when I try to comment on pictures, statuses, or comments!! Please help, I know for sure it’s my fb because it happens no matter what computer I sign on to my account with or any different browsers. Thanks!

  4. Kyle on February 2, 2011 at 11:44 pm

    Hi, I recently attempted to post a video, and was not able to. A note popped up explaining that I lost the ability due to “copyright infringement” in previous videos of mine. I then noticed that ALL of my videos had been removed, including those with no music at all. The thing is, the videos included original music that I both wrote and recorded in my own studio. I need to contact facebook to explain this, so that I might get my privileges back. How should I do it?

  5. LD on February 2, 2011 at 6:17 am

    What happens when you’re traveling…FB doesn’t recognize the hotel location and THEN asks the SECRET QUESTION (and I apparently answer the wrong way)?Do they block me altogether? I just wasted about 3 hours on this mess.

  6. AmericanFrijolera on February 1, 2011 at 3:40 pm

    Name Change: I tried to change my name on Facebook after I got married. It WAS (for example) “Suzie Que”. Suzie being my first name and Que being my maiden name. If my married name was Smith, for example, I tried to change it to “Suzie Que Smith” but it kept making it Suzie Smith Que. I tried swapping where I was entering the names to see if it would switch them around but it consistently kept it as “Suzie Smith Que” instead of “Suzie Que Smith”. Now I am unable to change my name anymore because it says I have changed it too many times. Please help! Thanks!

    • Joshua on February 7, 2011 at 7:50 pm

      Hey, I didnt see any answers here. I have the same problem and appriciate it if you’ll share what did you find out about it.

  7. TXW on February 1, 2011 at 10:24 am

    Hi Mari! Its been impossible finding out how to get help with Facebook problems, so THANK YOU SO MUCH for this website!! Im hoping you can help me with the current problem Im facing. I’ve been getting my pictures continually removed; Anything from bathing suit photos, to everyday clothing photos. None of my picutres are suggestive or explicit in ANY way and I think someone is clicking the “report” button multiple times. Or perhaps its a bug. I put up my modeling portfolio today and it was removed within HOURS. None of my photographs come CLOSE to violating any of Facebook’s “Terms of Use” when it comes to pictures. They are 100% appropriate and I dont know how to stop this from happening. I know that the “reporting” is done anonymously, but Facebook claims to review reported pictures before removing them. Obviously this is not the case since Im getting pictures of me wearing business atire removed!! It’s been over a week since this started happening and Im beyond frustrated! Countless photos have disappeared and I keep getting that Warning when I sign on. Im afraid if I get anymore pictures reported my account will be deleted!! What should I do??
    Thank you so much!

  8. Noemail on January 31, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    I need to know exactly who to contact to have a fake account, created to harrass a minor, traced to find out it’s IP and through that, the owner. This minor attempted suicide yesterday over this, and is now hospitalized.

  9. Candizzle380 on January 31, 2011 at 4:51 am

    Yea do you have an email to contact FB…I’m wanting to change my name but they say I changed it too many times. And now they want a document stating the reason for my name change. well i would like to specifically contact them myself via email…but have found no such way…do you know of one?

  10. Help. on January 30, 2011 at 8:14 pm

    Facebook Mobile; I deactivated my mobile number because I stopped receiving texts days ago. So when I tried to reactivate my mobile number I text F to 32665 and I haven’t received a confirmation code. The someone contacted Facebok and they said the only way is if you change your phone number, only one code per phone. I do not want to change my number. Is there any different way?

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