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  1. Samantaja on January 30, 2011 at 3:11 am

    I used to try to upgrade a fanpage URL. It required a verification process and indicated that it would send a code to the cell # I entered. No code arrived. Now, when I visit the link, it has a field for entering the code, but no way to have it resent. I do not have a cell number associated with the account, but did enter a cell number when prompted. What can I do to have the code resent?

  2. ee1234 on January 30, 2011 at 1:24 am

    My facebook got hacked and after having completed all of the required information for them, I still haven’t heard any word from them. Of course, there is no way to actually get a hold of anybody. Is there any way to get a hold of them that you know? Also, how long does it usually to get an account reactivated?

  3. Deacon on January 29, 2011 at 11:09 pm

    Didn’t see anything here that would give me a solution to this problem. I’m getting “invitations” to Facebook sent to an email address that isn’t even registered with Facebook. I want to report these spams to Facebook, but there seems to be no way to do so without first creating a Facebook account with that email address or adding it to my existing FB account), neither of which I wish to do. I’ve spent hours trying to find a way to report the offenders, to no avail. I’m about ready to just cancel my real Facebook account — the site is so poorly run that it’s really no longer worth the hassles, and they obviously don’t want to ever hear from their customers about anything.

  4. Jwblady3232 on January 29, 2011 at 12:51 pm

    my sons account was disabled and don’t know why, so i did the form for the terms thing, which nothing was violated cause he is 14, i tried security thing but it says to do the forgotten pwd thing i did that and it still says disabled, how long will i have to wait to get his account back? I monitor everything he does online and I have all his pwds. what do i do..?

  5. Stormmom on January 29, 2011 at 1:48 am

    I have a personal page and tried to set up some pages for my online selling, however I think I screwed up somewhere and I need help fixing things.
    Can I talk to someone directly for help and not on this forum?

    Thank YOU

  6. Tyler J King on January 28, 2011 at 7:44 pm


    I created a business page and then accidentally converted it into a personal page (why would they have a “create a profile” button after you’ve already created a business page?? It made me think I had lost my business page and needed to start anew). As it turns out, this converts the business page to a personal page, which is an IRREVOCABLE move… crazy right? They bait you with a button and then drop an anvil on your head.

    Now my company’s email address is tied to a personal account and I can’t create a business page without starting some new email address that I DON’T use for my company and using that to start a brand new account. Is there seriously no other way?

    So backwards, facebook!

  7. nina hanson on January 28, 2011 at 3:54 am

    Ok me and my boyfriend is receving alot of messages fron fake profiles with no pic.they are making treating remarks and using verbal abuse this has being going on since before thanksgiving what can i do to stop this please help.

  8. Codrut Turcanu on January 27, 2011 at 12:25 pm

    hi Mari, could I use facebook’;s logo or a similar design my graphic guy created in an eCover for a PDF report?

  9. Khaled on January 26, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    cant upload videos cause of the copyright thing and i didint do anything wrong how can i fix this bug please help

  10. Wes_029 on January 25, 2011 at 9:52 am

    Did you run upon any page or way to add a school to the database? I am wanting them to add a Private school to theri database, but not sure if I can add it, or how I go about requesting them to add it… Thanks SO much for your GREAT page.. makes things SOOOO much easier.. 😉

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