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  1. Mari Smith on January 7, 2011 at 1:12 am

    You mention group then talk about fans – I’m guessing what you have is a fan page? If so, yes, you can assign other Admins – go to Edit Page (under the page photo) > Manage Admins.

  2. Mari Smith on January 7, 2011 at 1:09 am

    Hi Nikki – wow, how amazing to suddenly find out you’re older as a young adult!! hehee, it’s about the only time we’d be overjoyed, right?! 🙂

    Gosh, I really can’t be of much assistance here, though – other than to encourage you to fill out a form that closest resembles your request.

  3. Mari Smith on January 7, 2011 at 1:05 am

    Hey Will – this is complete rubbish!! It’s an urban legend meme some troll started!! Just ignore/delete!! Do not pass along. 🙂

  4. Mari Smith on January 7, 2011 at 1:04 am

    Yikes, what a bummer. 🙁 Hmm, really can’t be of much assistance other than to suggest filing out any of the forms that have a text box and might be remotely related to your issue. There are SO many other issues that Facebook need specific contact forms for!

  5. Mari Smith on January 7, 2011 at 1:03 am

    Oh my – how strange. Hmm, can you find it on a Google search or Facebook search? I just saw someone today posted on my fan page that they lost Admin rights all of a sudden which means the Page can’t be accessed. I rather think some bugs/glitches are going on with Pages just now. Try the intellectual property infringement form – I know that tends to get a response… seeing as there isn’t a specific form for your situation.

  6. Jcwarrior_7 on January 7, 2011 at 6:12 am

    Iam trying to readd my mom who”s account was shut down because someone hacked it. why r we not able to reconnect when she opened a new name account? with a different name?

  7. MowerMan on January 1, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    Hi Mari, great information you have here. But I have an issue I can’t seem to find a solution for. I have a person on facebook that I blocked several months ago because they were making inappropriate post while in drunken stupor’s. Recently I have been notified that this individual has been making post about my private and personal health information, things that are liable in a court of law.

    How can I notify facebook about this information? I honestly believe this person does not belong on facebook. I have screen shoots that were sent to me by another person of the post that were made. I just need to know how to report them myself.

    Thanks and I’ll be reading more if your information to seen how it can help my business.

    • Mari Smith on January 2, 2011 at 12:36 am

      Other than reporting each piece of content and contacting Facebook directly, it sounds like you might want to also speak to an attorney and/or contact your local police department too.

  8. Robbie on January 1, 2011 at 9:25 am

    I am glad to have found your page and hope that I can get some assistance. At this time I am in the middle of a seven day block from friend requesting. This is the sixth block I have received in two months and from what I can see posted by others at the non-help center of Facebook, there are quite a few individuals experiencing this same dilemma. I do not abuse my friend requesting and Facebook has absolutely no idea who I know, don’t know, may have been referred to, etc. As a social network, the individual I wish to friend request has the opportunity to ignore or deny my request. But, Facebook interjects itself and places these arbitrary blocks. So I patiently wait whatever block period is imposed. This last time I was blocked was for friend requesting a soap opera character – not even a real person! I got the “do you really know this person?” inquiry for a fictitious person! What is even more bothersome is that confirmed friends of mine are now gone in large amounts, i.e. I have 2,150 confirmed friends and after the block I now have 2118! So I have to start over and re-request people and with each request I get the same “do you know them” warning! I go to the page where it says remove pending friend requests and repeatedly have the same nine listed – four are nameless, faceless profiles and five are people I’ve never requested. I go to their pages and they show no pending request from me. So, Mari, any advice? I don’t want to lose my account, but I would like to have this constant monitoring of my account stop and have the loss of my confirmed friends to cease. Thank you!!!

    • Mari Smith on January 2, 2011 at 12:37 am

      Sounds like you’re stuck in some kind of “bug loop” – sorry I can’t be of much further help… other than to suggest using Facebook on your mobile device as I’ve found that seems to get around many of the friending warnings.

  9. Cherrybombtattoos on December 31, 2010 at 12:11 am

    An ex employee is using our fan page as a way to steal clients. Is there anyway to block him from seeing our fans?

    • Mari Smith on January 2, 2011 at 12:46 am

      Oh dear – how very unfortunate. You certainly can ban this individual from your fan page, but due to the very nature of fan pages being wide open to the public (even viewable and findable via Google whether someone has a Facebook account or not), then it’s not possible to make your fan page content invisible to anyone. With our personal profiles, when we block a person, both profiles and activity become invisible to each other. Not so with fan pages.

      To ban this person, you have to search through your list of fans (click the See All link) and click the X beside their name – be sure to select the Permanently Ban option too. Or, wait til they post something on the wall and report/ban them then.

      Meantime, I would also recommend you enlist the help of an attorney and send a Cease and Desist to this person. (Gather as much evidence, screen shots, etc. as you can).

  10. Kim Bivins Mangum on December 29, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    My Facebook wwas supspended when the money scam thing hacked my account on Christmas eve. then again on the 27th . But when I click on your link to “report the the account has been disabled” it takes me to the log in page and I cant log in , it take me to the page about the money scam. . . . . they sent me an e mail and I did all they ask me to do but they have not replied to my reply to them . . . . . Im so frustrated, ist there anything I can do?
    Thank You for what you have done here! I hope i can figure this out i have an “old ” fb acct with many friends and albums on it . . .
    Sincerely ,
    Kim Mangum

    • Mari Smith on January 2, 2011 at 12:40 am

      Hi Kim – oh nooo, so sorry to hear this. Ugh, good point – so many of these forms only really work if you can still access Facebook. You might try emailing abuse@facebook.com though I’m not sure if that’ll get you anywhere. Keep persisting best you can, try another of these forms!

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