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Fabulous Facebook Marketing Ideas, Borrowing Images Online & More: The Social Scoop 10/5/17

Are you ready to create 6-15 seconds video ads? Facebook continues to ramp up the video ad break offerings with the new Watch digital streaming television platform taking root (US only for now), and the good news is that creators can share in the revenue (55%).

Check this out: the average video ad view on digital platforms is a mere 1.7 seconds. Woa! However, a new study conducted by Oracle Data Cloud and Facebook shows that video ads that are seen for less than 2 seconds *do* help drive sales. The research showed that views under 2 seconds drove 52 percent sales lift of those campaigns studied.

Read more on short Facebook video ads.

Your Facebook Video Content Ratio

Speaking of video, what is the ratio of video content vs. all other types of content on your Facebook Page? Check out this video message created with my friends at Animoto:

This Week’s Top 3 Articles

1. The Ultimate List of Facebook Marketing Ideas: 40+ Ideas for Posts, Giveaways & Businesses via Gleam.io

Wherever you are in your Facebook marketing process, there’s a ton of helpful takeaways in this article. Maybe you’re just starting out or starting over with a business Page. Or, perhaps your brand has been on Facebook for some time and you could use some fresh ideas for doing live video broadcasts. In this post, explore the different aspects of Facebook marketing and get inspired by what other brands have done!

2. 6 Things You Need to Know About Borrowing Images Online via TheWholeBrainGroup.com

It’s never been easier to find visuals online; there’s an abundance of choices to search and find what you need, often for free. But, be careful!! It’s also very easy to infringe on the creator’s rights if the image is used improperly. To avoid a potentially expensive mistake, it’s good to be aware of the basic terminology of copyright law and what each type of license allows. Take a read of this article!

3. Four Ways Marketers can Increase Conversions from Social Video via Econsultancy.com

Videos get way more engagement on social, and can often lead to purchases. In a study by Animoto, 64% of consumers say that a video they saw on Facebook led to an online purchase. Love that! So, how can brands get more conversions from their videos? Take a look at these four suggestions.

That’s all for this week’s issue of The Social Scoop. I hope you have an amazing weekend and I look forward to connecting again very soon.

On a personal note, wow, what a whirlwind couple of weeks it’s been. I had an incredible time speaking in Boston at HubSpot’s INBOUND17 and then on to the Future of Advertising event in the Dominican Republic.

This week, my big sister is coming for a visit from Ottawa, Canada and I’m super jazzed! We’re attending the Association of Transformational Leaders conference this weekend in San Diego and then next week we buzz up to Salt Lake City, Utah as I’m speaking at the Nu Skin LIVE! Global Convention with 20,000 attendees… Oh my! So excited. And we get to enjoy a live gala with Maroon 5, one of my fave bands.

Mari Smith

Often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is widely known as the Premier Facebook Marketing Expert and a top Social Media Thought Leader. Forbes describes Mari as, “… the preeminent Facebook expert. Even Facebook asks for her help.” IBM named Mari as one of seven women that are shaping digital marketing. Mari is an in-demand keynote speaker, corporate social media strategist, dynamic live webcast host, and popular brand ambassador. She is coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, and author of The New Relationship Marketing.

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