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  1. Paul on December 2, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    I don’t know why I found this post and I too think you are very brave in sharing your personal story here. Though I do think you are safe here among friends. Funny thing about perfect honestly is, the universe resonates with you 🙂

    Thanks Mari

    PS. I’ve heard of and admire Guy Hendricks through the Spiritual Cinema Circle.

  2. Jeanne Quereau on November 7, 2009 at 11:37 pm

    Dear Mari,

    I have only come to “know” you in print and by voice so far, but, you have already left a big imprint on me. Your openness, warmth and caring come through so strongly and has such a wonderful effect, not to mention all the helpful information that you offer, as well.

    Thank you for sharing this personal aspect–even though I’m only just learning about it now. And thank you for the resources you mentioned, especially the quote from Marianne Williamson. It is so “right on.”

    So glad you have chosen to let your light shine bright and that it has touched me, my heart, and the future of my work.

    Many blessings for you and your journey,


  3. Morgana Rae on September 18, 2009 at 7:46 am

    Dear Mari,

    Thank you so much for entrusting us with this information–both of your personal life (cause as you can see we really care about you and your happiness) and resources to help your friends through our own transtitions.

    Namaste babe,

  4. Amethyst Wyldfyre on September 16, 2009 at 12:47 am

    Beautifully, magnificently, perfectly transparent Mari – a sweet gift of grace to others who are unfolding their relationships and the mark of a true leader and inspirational model to be open and vulnerable, honest and true and yet also be clear on your own ability to say and share that which YOU wish to have known in your own words and in your own sweet time. Thank you for your courage in Speaking Your Truth with such beauty. Many multitudes of blessings to you as you move further into your high destiny of service to the self and to the new world unfolding before you…..

    Love and infinite joy, peace and gratitude,


  5. Joy on September 15, 2009 at 4:00 am

    Hi Mari—thank you for sharing such a personal part of your life. You are a brave and couarageous woman who is being authentic. I wish you much love and continued success.

  6. susan kuhn frost on September 15, 2009 at 1:54 am

    Awww…you are a trouper; you grab hold of life and live your truth. I hope our paths cross one day.

  7. JoLynn Braley on September 11, 2009 at 5:56 pm

    Hi Mari,

    Well, as you already know through our emails last night, I was totally out of the loop when this came through so just now am learning about your transition. AND, I have absolutely no doubt that you are tuned in, tapped in, and turned on to your own internal guidance system, and I bet that Ty is, too. You both honored where you are at and where you are going and you took action in a way that bespeaks of true love and respect for one another.

    Rock ON Mari and keep on Shining YOUR inner light – like the quote by Marianne says, none of us do anyone else any favors when we hold ourselves back from living as our Boldest, Biggest, and Brightest self. All Good Stuff!! 🙂

  8. Robin on August 25, 2009 at 3:19 am

    Wow Mari, I definitely connect with what you are saying. I have been going through a similar transition, however mine hasn’t been amicable. I have realized that I needed to make a true choice in freedom as well and something had to change in order for me to grow as a person. Although the last 2 years have been difficult I am starting to realize my true potential. I am finding my inner power and strength and I am finally really enjoying my life. I want to empower others ad share the information I know. I am quiet no more and I hope my light shines bright.

  9. Moria on August 19, 2009 at 6:35 pm


    What a Wonderful, honest and uplifting story! How brave of you to share it with all of us!

    Personally, I truly believe that we stay together (friends, lovers and so on) for as long as we have a mutual exchange, and when we come to a point where we no longer have that exchange, that’s when it’s time to move on. Hopefully we can allow ourselves/eachother to move on without any hard feelings… because the people we’ve spent such intimacy with, knows us the best.

    Wishing you the very best from here on, and that you’ll find your way (which I don’t doubt at all!)to spread your wings even further in pursue of your dreams…

    Thank you So much for sharing, Mari!

    Moria x

  10. Lani Voivod, "Content Lover" of Epiphanies, Inc. on August 16, 2009 at 8:37 am

    Mari, your willingness to share in such an honest and elevated way is a true gift to those of us connected to you. Life is MESSY, and no amount of razzle-dazzle online marketing savvy is going to change that – and yet, so few leaders and high-visibility professionals choose vulnerability and tell the whole story.

    The fact that you pressed the pause button on your incredible, accelerating business to reach those who can really gain strength, courage, and wisdom from your own personal journey (including me)is an act of great kindness. And in handling the matter with grace and maturity, you show us all how to move beyond the petty and into the best versions of ourselves.

    Thank you.

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