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Mari Smith’s FREE Facebook Marketing Resources

Yay! Please check your email inbox for your first gift. (You may have to check your Updates, Promotions, or even Spam folders).

I’ll send you these special resources for free over the next few days:

  1. How To Be A Strategic Marketer on Facebook (not a Creator) – this 13-page PDF walks you through one of the big sea changes happening across social media platforms. And that is where we’re all being forced to be a Creator, crank out huge volumes of ‘perfect’ content, and then monetize that content through incentives from Meta (Facebook/Instagram) + YouTube, TikTok, etc. However, this is not a sustainable business model for 95% of entrepreneurs! Learn my approach that does work and is sustainable!
  2. How To Create Success With Facebook. The next free resource is a simple mini-course. There are 6 micro lessons, all less than 5 minutes each, so you can fly through in no time and still get tons of value. This program is delivered via my alternative online community Mari Smith’s Supserstars, proudly built on the Mighty Networks platform. You’ll be invited to set up an account for free to access this mini-course along with lots of other helpful resources!
  3. FBOMM: Facebook Organic Marketing Masterclass – class #1 (of 6) for free. The third gift is a special invitation for you to learn from my most popular Facebook training program, ‘FBOMM.’ I’m gifting you the first lesson totally free, no strings. It’s packed with all you need to know to start shifting your strategy for a much more successful approach to growing your business on the world’s #1 social network.

I hope you get a great deal of value from these resources!

Please note: you will also receive my Social Scoop weekly newsletter and some marketing messages. Not too many and not too often. I promise you’ll get tons of value and you can always opt out at any time. 

If you haven’t already, definitely come join my Social Scoop group on Facebook where you’ll find plenty free peer support, news, updates, resources, tips, hacks, tricks, connection, networking … the works!

My team and tribe would love to help you, best we can. We have cultivated a community that is high integrity, high trust, and high value.

mari smith social scoop facebook group come join us
Come join us on Facebook for support!

Let’s connect on my Facebook Page, too:


  1. Unitedramesh19 on June 23, 2012 at 10:13 am

    I am Ramesh Sharma an employee of Motherland Higher Secondary School Masbar Pokhara Nepal. It is a reputed school in Nepal. It is categorized as a top ten school in Nepal by its academic result. There may be some people who are jealous of its achievements. Among them one must be the person who had made his FB ID as motherland parents and he is writing very fake and very negative comments in the against of its founders. Mr Tribhuvan Sharma who is one of the founders of this school is my brother. It is giving lots of stress to him. My brother is a very reputed personality in our society. That fake ID man is writing lots of fake matters in his wall and these matters are displayed
    in all his more than 2000 friends’ wall and this message is making all us very shame and my brother very very stressed. In such terrible a situation, my brother may take very bad steps also. We are also very worried for him. Though  I am not so good in English and information Technology, I request you to find that person and take very strict action on him. Also I request you to block that person as soon as possible. Otherwise he will spread the fake messages so more that my brother can take any type of step and we will loss him forever. Please please help me and guide me if I can do anything to stop that person for not doing very shameful activities.
    I will wait for your quick help.
    Thank you !
    Ramesh Sharma

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