Today is a big day at Facebook! It’s the company’s Q2 2017 Earnings Call. This usually means there’s a flurry of activity around what some of the Facebook Ad Revenue announcements mean.
For example, Facebook has been warning investors for the past year that its ad revenue growth would slow “meaningfully” in 2017… because the company is running out of ad inventory in the News Feed. (Think about how many posts you see in your Facebook feed: about one in five posts says “Sponsored,” right? A.k.a. an ad.)
However, a year ago, Facebook Chief Financial Officer Dave Wehner addressed the issue, saying ad load (the number of ads on a website or platform) would be a “less significant factor in driving overall growth, especially after mid-2017.”
This means Facebook is focusing on monetizing all manner of other features and apps that the company owns, such as Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp.
Plus, Facebook is banking on video to change the whole platform, and how advertisers view the social network. The company plans to dip into TV advertising budgets (a $175+ billion industry globally), and is investing in live video programs and longer-form video on demand. These programs will allow for more ad breaks (mid-roll video ads). Facebook essentially wants to be television on the internet. Now is the time to establish your own Facebook Live TV Show!
Facebook Live – Video Training with Mari
Thursday, July 27th @ 10am PT / 1pm ET
I’m delighted to team up with my friends at Animatron, the makers of video creation tool, Wave Video App. This Thursday, July 27th at 10am PT / 1pm ET, I will be leading the first of three special free video trainings to help you improve your social video marketing results! For Part 1, I’ll walk you through the simple steps for getting started with professional video creation. I’m going to do a live demo of the Wave app. I’ll be broadcasting live on my own Page. Hope to see you there. 🙂
This Week’s Top 3 Articles
1. Here’s What Marketers Need to Know About Facebook’s New Ad Metrics via
In Facebook’s efforts to provide a better understanding of advertising results and page activity, the company is releasing new metrics for advertisers. This is the first round of updates and, per their announcement, there will be additional improvements about every month. Good news!
2. 11 Facebook Metrics Every Brand Needs to Track via
Continuing on the topic of understanding and using Facebook metrics, this post explains what each metric is, where to find it, and why you should track it. You won’t need to track every metric; however, having this knowledge will help you decide what information is valuable to you.
3. The Top 3 Most Shared Blog Posts from 14 Digital Marketing Influencers via
This is an excellent meta post. Tons of creative ideas, inspiration, practical tips and more here. I’m honored to be included among many of my longtime friends. Blog author, Jonathan Milne, used BuzzSumo (one of my fave tools) to curate a list of the top 3 most socially shared blog posts from 14 experts in the past 12 months.
Free Marketing Videos!
My friends at Unbounce (landing page creation software) recently held their 2-day Call To Action conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I was thrilled to be one of the keynote speakers, and now Unbounce has generously published VIDEOS of all the top speaker sessions on a free web page. Help yourself and enjoy! Catch my session here: Winning Facebook Advertising Strategies: 5 Powerful Ways To Leverage Your Results & ROI

That’s a wrap for this issue of The Social Scoop. I hope you have an amazing rest of your week! I look forward to connecting with you again very soon.

From my brand new photo shoot! ? My last professional photo shoot lasted almost four years (same photographer). Now I’m thrilled to update with my new shorter haircut! Heehee! ?
Often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is widely known as the Premier Facebook Marketing Expert and a top Social Media Thought Leader. Forbes describes Mari as, “… the preeminent Facebook expert. Even Facebook asks for her help.” IBM named Mari as one of seven women that are shaping digital marketing. Mari is an in-demand keynote speaker, corporate social media strategist, dynamic live webcast host, and popular brand ambassador. She is coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, and author of The New Relationship Marketing.
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