Mari Smith and Guy Kawasaki

Discover Mari's 10 magic techie settings for releasing the money from your Facebook Business Timeline!

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  • Is Facebook bringing you a steady stream of qualified leads every week?

  • Are your sales increasing regularly as a result of your Facebook marketing efforts?

  • Hand on heart, can you say that Facebook is directly impacting your bottom line profits?

If you can't answer a resounding 'YES!' to all three of these questions, you may be feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the new Timeline page format, the constant changes and tweaks on Facebook, the techie settings you don't know how to find or how to interpret, and the constant cat and mouse game of trying to get your posts in the news feed of more of your fans.

Most everyone knows that Facebook is literally hurtling towards its first BILLION members — this behemoth has been the #1 online social network for years. Yet the site gets increasingly more complex and challenging for businesses to create REAL results. You know, by that I mean results that actually generate MONEY! Otherwise, if you end up spending vast amounts of time and resources trying to build up a decent fanbase … but you're not monetizing your efforts, then something is clearly not right.

Facebook continues to move more and more to a 'pay to play' model. Facebook recently shared on its marketing page, "Pages organically reach about 16% of their fans on average. You work hard to acquire your fans and create engaging posts on your Page. To make sure your fans see your stories, we recommend that you sponsor your posts to increase the reach of your content." [Sponsored posts are paid ads.]

The latest round of changes has been brilliantly designed to generate more dollars for Facebook's investors as its multi-billion-dollar IPO approaches. BUT, my irresistibly frugal Scottish nature compels me to search out low-cost and NO-cost methods to generate more traffic to YOUR business!

Lately, the requests for support to resolve tech challenges I'm getting on a daily basis tells me the newest features seem like a lot for businesses to learn. Trouble is, since the new Timeline is now mandatory for businesses worldwide, it's in your best interest to get them figured out … FAST!

Good news! I've done the legwork for you! I've been whizzing around like Facebook's Master Sourcerer and have conjured up proven, money-making tips for you to turn the world's most popular social network into the TOP source of quality leads and paying customers!

Now, I'd like to reveal all for you on a FREE webinar that will take away your "techie pains" … and leave you with droves of raving fans who love you and love to BUY from you.

10 Essential Facebook Money-Making 'Techie' Tips

FREE 75 Minute Webinar with Mari Smith

INSTANT ACCESS video replay now available!

Includes Bonus FREE REPORT

"5 Fantastic Ways To Build A NEW Facebook Marketing Channel
… with 250,000 Subscribers!"

On this upbeat, content-rich session, you'll find out all this and more:

Mari's Magic Facebook Money-Making Secrets:
  • The real reasons that over 84% of your hard-won Fanbase never gets to see the messages you're posting… and the key Facebook settings you can tweak IMMEDIATELY so that all your best content gets seen by more of your fans and their friends … without having to splurge on ads!
  • The one key factor that the vast majority of brands and businesses are getting WRONG on Facebook (and wasting their marketing dollars as a result!) and how you can soar past the big guys when you know this secret tip! [I'll show you exactly what to do that's different from what 90% of other Page owners are doing!]
  • How to translate more of the 2.7 million 'Likes' Facebook receives every day into actual business-building revenue and return-customer engagement on your Business page … by putting Facebook's own secret settings to work for you behind the scenes!
  • Where to find up-to-the-minute Insights into your viewers' likes, dislikes and preferences on Facebook — and more importantly, how to INTERPRET the most important numbers for information you can USE while you convert fans into your favorite customers.
  • A shocking real-world statistic that shows how more than half of your competition's customers are being ignored and tossed aside … and the simple-ninja strategy you MUST use to instantly turn your Social Media efforts into profits (hint: it's the whole reason Facebook works so well as a business-builder, when you get this piece right!)


Be sure to register right away to save your seat. Remember, even if you attended my last major free Facebook webinar back in January, things have moved on SO much since then with the introduction of the game changing new Timeline for pages. That's why I'm offering this free webinar, to get you back up to speed with Facebook Marketing for the rest of 2012.

PLUS, I have some exciting news to share with you about my brand new Facebook marketing course. It's called Facebook Money Mastery, and my team and I are just putting the final finishing touches on it right now. I'll share all the latest details with you on the webinar!

Meet Mari!

Often referred to as "the Queen of Facebook", Mari Smith is considered one of the world's foremost experts on Facebook marketing and social media. She is author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day.

Fast Company describes Mari as, “A veritable engine of personal branding, a relationship marketing whiz and the Pied Piper of the Online World.” Both Dun & Bradstreet Credibility and Forbes named Mari one of the Top Ten Influencers in Social Media.

Mari consults with businesses of all sizes around the world to help accelerate their profits by integrating proven social media marketing strategies. She regularly appears in media locally and nationally in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Forbes, Fortune, and Success Magazine.


PLUS! Special FREE BONUS REPORT just for signing up.

"5 Fantastic Ways To Build A NEW Facebook Marketing Channel … with 250,000 Subscribers!" Get instant access to download this free gift (PDF) and start increasing your reach on Facebook today!

Enter your first name and email below to join me on this mega Facebook event!

Register now to start viewing this popular webinar!

Your email and cell privacy is 100% safe with us! Get reminders and messages right to your cell phone! Text rates from your carrier may apply.

See you on the webinar!

Mari Smith's signature

Be sure to attend this session! When you see what I've got to show you, it'll be easy for you to see REAL results from your Facebook marketing efforts — results such as more traffic to your website, a big boost in qualified leads, an increase in sales and, of course, more MONEY for you to enjoy!!